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                        Washington, D.C. 20549
                               FORM 11-K

(Mark One):



   FOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD FROM _____________ TO ______________

Commission File Number: ____1-10308____

A.  Full  title of the plan and the address of the plan, if  different
from  that  of the issuer named below: Savings Incentive Plan  of  CUC
International Inc.

B.  Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan and the
address of its principal executive office: CUC International Inc., 707
Summer Street, Stamford, Connecticut 06901

                         REQUIRED INFORMATION

The  following pages set forth, with respect to the Savings  Incentive
Plan   of  CUC  International  Inc.  (OPlanO),  the  required  audited
financial  statements  for the Plan prepared in  accordance  with  the
financial  reporting  requirements of the Employee  Retirement  Income
Security Act of 1974.


   The Plan.   Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange
Act  of  1934,  the  trustees  (or other persons  who  administer  the
employee  benefit  plan) have duly caused this  annual  report  to  be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

           Savings Incentive Plan of CUC International Inc.
                            (Name of Plan)

Date June 28, 1996            /s/ COSMO CORIGLIANO
                              Name: Cosmo Corigliano
                              Title: Member, Savings Incentive Plan

Date June 28, 1996            /s/ WALTER FORBES
                              Name: Walter Forbes
                              Title: Member, Savings Incentive Plan

Date June 28, 1996            /s/ CHRISTOPHER MCLEOD
                              Name: Christopher McLeod
                              Title: Member, Savings Incentive Plan

Date June 28, 1996            /s/ MARILYN PROUT
                              Name: Marilyn Prout
                              Title: Member, Savings Incentive Plan

                     Audited Financial Statements
                             and Schedules
                       Savings Incentive Plan of
                        CUC International Inc.
                      December 31, 1995 and 1994
                  with Report of Independent Auditors

                       Savings Incentive Plan of
                        CUC International Inc.

                     Audited Financial Statements
                             and Schedules

                Years ended December 31, 1995 and 1994


Report of Independent Auditors                                       1

Audited Financial Statements

Statements of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits, With Fund
 Information                                                         2
Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits,
 With Fund Information                                               4
Notes to Financial Statements                                        6


Assets Held for Investment Purposes                                 11
Schedule of Reportable Transactions                                 16


                    Report of Independent Auditors

To the Administrative Committee of the
Savings Incentive Plan of CUC International Inc.

We  have  audited the accompanying statements of net assets  available
for  plan  benefits of the Savings Incentive Plan of CUC International
Inc.  as of December 31, 1995 and 1994, and the related statements  of
changes  in net assets available for plan benefits for the years  then
ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan's
management.  Our  responsibility is to express  an  opinion  on  these
financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. These standards require that we plan and perform the  audit
to  obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
are  free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on  a
test  basis,  evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures  in  the
financial  statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by management, as  well
as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe
that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In  our  opinion, the financial statements referred to  above  present
fairly,  in all material respects, the net assets available  for  plan
benefits of the Plan at December 31, 1995 and 1994, and the changes in
its  net assets available for plan benefits for the years then  ended,
in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Our audits were performed for the purpose of forming an opinion on the
basic  financial statements taken as a whole. The schedules of  assets
held  for  investment purposes as of December 31, 1995 and  reportable
transactions  for the year then ended, are presented for  purposes  of
additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial
statements   but  are  supplementary  information  required   by   the
Department  of  Labor's  Rules  and  Regulations  for  Reporting   and
Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of  1974.
The  Fund  Information  in the statement of net assets  available  for
benefits  and  the  statement of changes in net  asset  available  for
benefits is presented for purposes of additional analysis rather  than
to  present the net assets available for plan benefits and changes  in
net assets available for plan benefits of each fund. The schedules and
Fund  Information  have  been  subjected to  the  auditing  procedures
applied  in the audits of the basic financial statements and,  in  our
opinion, are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the
basic financial statements taken as a whole.

                                        ERNST & YOUNG LLP

Stamford, CT
May 22, 1996

                            Savings Incentive Plan of
                             CUC International Inc.

   Statements of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits, With Fund Information


                                       December 31, 1995               
                                        Fund Information
             Fixed         Bond       Equity       Stock      Loan    
             Fund          Fund        Fund         Fund      Fund      Total
Investment at
  fair value -
  Note C
Bonds and                                                          
  notes   $1,514,235  $5,906,381 $        -   $      -    $      -   $7,420,616
  stocks         -           -    25,908,434  29,604,768         -   55,513,202
  ities    4,933,369   3,847,421          -           -          -    8,780,790
  contracts1,659,178          -           -           -          -    1,659,178
  funds    2,336,794     236,790   1,461,723   2,343,111     30,169   6,408,587
          10,443,576   9,990,592  27,370,157  31,947,879     30,169  79,782,373
Employee     129,139     121,543     319,050     189,911          -     759,643
Employer      62,764      59,072     155,065      92,300          -     369,201
 receivable   99,737     178,018      27,880        -             -     305,635
 receivables 291,640     358,633     501,995     282,211          -   1,434,479
Loans to                                                         
 participants    -         -          -            -       1,643,598  1,643,598
Net assets                                                   
 for plan                                                               
        $10,735,2166 $10,349,225 $27,872,152 $32,230,090 $1,673,767 $82,860,450

See accompanying notes.
                            Savings Incentive Plan of
                             CUC International Inc.

   Statements of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits, With Fund Information


                                                 December 31, 1994            
                                                Fund Information
                  Fixed       Bond       Equity       Stock    Loan         
                  Fund        Fund        Fund        Fund     Fund     Total
Investment at                                                 
 fair value -
 Note C
Bonds and                                                        
 notes        $1,997,383 $5,206,960  $       -    $      -  $   -    $7,204,343
Common stocks         -          -   16,342,385  22,181,807     -    38,524,192
United States                                       
 securities    4,344,775  3,270,568          -           -      -     7,615,343
 contracts     1,557,471        -            -           -      -     1,557,471
 funds         1,536,962    437,206   2,326,059      97,357     -     4,397,584
 investments   9,436,591  8,914,734  18,668,444  22,279,164     -    59,298,933
Employee         194,227    258,969     507,148     118,694     -     1,079,038
Employer         101,804    135,739     265,823      62,214     -       565,580
Interest and                                                       
 receivable      103,426    175,034      16,998         -       -       295,458
 receivables     399,457    569,742     789,969     180,908     -     1,940,076
Loans to                                                      
 participants        -          -            -          -    96,268      96,268
Net assets                                                   
 available for                                                           
 benefits     $9,836,048 $9,484,476 $19,458,413 $22,460,072 $96,268 $61,335,277

See accompanying notes.

                            Savings Incentive Plan of
                             CUC International Inc.

   Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits, With Fund

                                        Year Ended December 31, 1995        
                                             Fund Information
                Fixed       Bond       Equity      Stock       Loan         
                Fund        Fund        Fund        Fund       Fund       Total
 dividends  $ 666,485   $ 712,129 $   283,679  $   80,242    $    -   $1,742,535
Net realized                                                             
 in fair value                                                   
 investments   26,988   1,208,502   5,729,040  10,696,637        -    17,661,167
 income       693,473   1,920,631   6,012,719  10,776,879        -    19,403,702
Employee    1,146,562   1,346,928   2,763,477   1,092,454        -     6,349,421
Employer      538,200     624,902   1,292,655     523,321        -     2,979,078
 tions      1,684,762   1,971,830   4,056,132   1,615,775        -     9,328,499
Transfer of                                                          
 from other                                                              
 plans      2,651,407      48,165     201,966     178,557     54,976   3,135,071
 repayments    45,609      16,540      33,304      20,123   (115,576)      -
             (251,591)   (205,487)   (502,406)   (680,282) 1,639,766       -
 pants     (1,362,450) (1,032,136) (2,568,358) (5,379,155)      -   (10,342,099)
Net change                                                           
 during /the                                                             
 year       3,461,210   2,719,543   7,233,357   6,531,897  1,579,166  21,525,173
Net assets                                                        
 available for                                               
 at beginning                                                               
 of year    9,836,048   9,484,476  19,458,413  22,460,072     96,268  61,335,277
 transfers (2,562,042) (1,854,794)  1,180,382   3,238,121     (1,667)        -
Net assets                                                            
 available for                                                  
 benefits at                                                          
 end of                                                                     
 year     $10,735,216 $10,349,225 $27,872,152 $32,230,090 $1,673,767 $82,860,450

See accompanying notes.

                            Savings Incentive Plan of
                             CUC International Inc.

   Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits, With Fund

                                         Year Ended December 31, 1994          
                                              Fund Information
                    Fixed       Bond       Equity       Stock    Loan         
                    Fund        Fund        Fund        Fund     Fund    Total
Interest and                                                               
 dividends       $ 541,505  $ 553,882   $ 222,762   $   4,964  $   - $ 1,323,113
Net realized and                                                           
 in fair value                                                               
 of investments   (189,977)  (819,870)   (670,309)  4,174,882      -   2,494,726
Net investment                                                              
 income            351,528   (265,988)   (447,547)  4,179,846      -   3,817,839
Employee           947,090  1,371,679   2,254,316     205,546      -   4,778,631
Employer           534,319    734,296   1,420,782     107,475      -   2,796,872
contributions    1,481,409  2,105,975   3,675,098     313,021      -   7,575,503
Transfer of                                    
 funds from                                                           
 plans           5,975,445    105,384      26,006  24,862,360 158,780 31,127,975
Loan repayments     29,735        -           -           -   (29,735)      -
Distributions to                                                       
 participants   (1,529,959)  (419,567)   (603,498) (3,148,404)     - (5,701,428)
Net change                                                
 during the year 6,308,158  1,525,804   2,650,059  26,206,823 129,045 36,819,889
Net assets                                                         
 available for                                               
 at beginning of                                        
 year            5,798,994  5,880,067  12,836,327         -       -   24,515,388
 transfers      (2,271,104) 2,078,605   3,972,027 (3,746,751)(32,777)       -
Net assets                                                               
 available for                                                             
 at end of year $9,836,048 $9,484,476 $19,458,413 $22,460,072 $6,268 $61,335,277

See accompanying notes.

                       Savings Incentive Plan of
                        CUC International Inc.

                     Notes to Financial Statements

Note A- Description of the Plan

The   following  description  of  the  Savings  Incentive  Plan   (the   "Plan")
of    CUC   International   Inc.   (the   "Company")   provides   only   general
information.   Participants  should  refer  to  the  Summary  Plan   Description
or  the  Plan  documents  which  are available from  the  Company,  for  a  more
complete description of the PlanOs provisions.

The   financial  statements  of  the  Plan  have  been  prepared  in  accordance
with   generally   accepted  accounting  principles  and,   as   such,   include
amounts   based   upon  judgments  and  estimates  made  by  management,   which
may differ from actual results.


The   Plan   is   a   defined  contribution  plan  which  provides   retirement,
disability  and  death  benefits  to  eligible  employees  of  the  Company  and
its    subsidiaries.    The    Plan   covers   substantially    all    full-time
employees   of  the  Company  and  its  subsidiaries  who  have  been   employed
for   at  least  one  year  (amended  from  six  months  of  service  in   March
1995)   and  are  age  twenty-one  or  older.  The  Plan  is  subject   to   the
provisions   of   the   Employee  Retirement  Income  Security   Act   of   1974

In  March  1995,  the  Plan  was amended to eliminate  the  exclusion  of  part-
time   employees   and   allow   for  hardship  withdrawal   for   payments   of
educational  fees.  The  Plan  was also amended  to  permit  loans  to  be  made
to   participants,  effective  on  June  1,  1995.  All  loans  made  prior   to
this   date   represent  loans  to  the  participants  of  the  Employee   Stock
Ownership    and    Savings   Plan   of   Entertainment    Publications,    Inc.
transferred on July 1, 1994.

On   July  18,  1995,  the  Essex  Corporation  401K  Plan  merged  its   assets
totaling $2,557,537 into the Plan.

On  December  8,  1995,  the  Plan  adopted  the  profit  sharing  exception  to
the  annuity  rules  by  requiring  that  the  death  benefits  be  payable   to
the    surviving    spouse,   unless   the   spouse    consents    to    another

On   January   1,   1994,   the  Worldex  Corporation  Tax   Advantaged   Profit
Sharing  Retirement  Plan  merged  its  assets  totaling  $2,448,263  into   the
Plan.    This    transfer   included   two   guaranteed   insurance    contracts
totaling   $1,488,128.   This  transfer  also  included   $960,135   which   was
invested in the various funds of the Plan.

On   July   1,  1994,  an  investment  option  was  added  to  the  Plan   which
enabled  participants  to  invest  in  common  stock  of  the  Company  ("Common

On   July   1,  1994,  the  Employee  Stock  Ownership  and  Savings   Plan   of
Entertainment     Publications,    Inc.    merged    its     assets     totaling
$28,694,332   into  the  Plan.  The  assets  included  Common   Stock   totaling
$24,841,485  which  was  transferred into  the  CUC  stock  fund  of  the  Plan.
This   transfer   also  included  an  outstanding  loan  balance   of   $158,780
and a cash balance of $3,694,067.

                       Savings Incentive Plan of
                        CUC International Inc.
               Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note A- Description of Plan (continued)


Each   year,  participants  may  contribute  up  to  15%  (limited  to  6%   for
highly   compensated   participants)   of   pretax   annual   compensation,   as
defined   in  the  Plan.  The  Company  matches  each  participant's   bi-weekly
contribution  dollar  for  dollar  of  the  first  $27,  $.60  for  each  dollar
of  the  next  $40,  and  $.40 for each dollar of the  next  $25,  for  a  total
maximum   match  of  $61  per  bi-weekly  pay  period.  Participants  may   also
contribute   amounts   representing  transfers  from  other   qualified   plans,
which are not subject to the Company match.

Participant Accounts

Each    participantOs    account   is   credited    with    the    participantOs
contributions   and  allocations  of  the  CompanyOs  contributions   and   Plan
earnings.   Allocations   are   based  on  participant   earnings   or   account
balances,   as   defined.   Forfeited  balances  of   terminated   participantsO
nonvested accounts are used to reduce future Company contributions.


Participants  are  immediately  vested  in  their  contributions   plus   actual
earnings   thereon.   Vesting  in  the  Company  matching   portion   of   their
accounts   plus  actual  earnings  thereon  is  based  on  years   of   credited
service.   A   participant  is  100%  vested  after  five  years   of   credited

Loans to Participants

Effective   June   1,   1995,   participants  may   borrow   from   their   fund
accounts   a  maximum  of  $50,000  or  50%  of  their  account  balance.   Loan
terms   range   from  1-5  years  and  are  secured  by  the  balance   in   the
participantOs   account.  The  loans  bear  interest  at  a  rate   commensurate
with   local   prevailing   rates   as  determined   quarterly   by   the   plan
administrator   and   the   trustee.  Interest  rates   on   outstanding   loans
currently   range   from   7.5%  to  12%.  Principal  and   interest   is   paid
ratably through monthly payroll deductions.

Investment Options

Upon   enrollment   in  the  Plan,  a  participant  may  direct   employer   and
employee   contributions  in  5%  increments  in  any  of  the  four  investment
 Fixed    Fund-    Funds    are    invested   in    United    States    Treasury
 obligations,   certificates   of   deposit,   commercial   paper,   and   money
 market  funds,  all  having  a  maturity  of  three  years  or  less  from  the
 date   of   investment,  and  insurance  company  contracts  which  provide   a
 fixed rate of interest for a specified period of time.
 Bond   Fund-   Funds   are  invested  in  long-term  fixed-income   securities,
 including   government  and  corporate  bonds,  or  in   mutual   funds   which
 specialize in such fixed-income securities.
 Equity  Fund-  Funds  are  invested  in  a  variety  of  common  and  preferred
 stocks,   with   emphasis  on  a  balanced  portfolio   of   primarily   common
 stocks  offering  appreciation  potential  over  a  number  of  years,  or   in
 mutual funds which specialize in such equity investments.

                       Savings Incentive Plan of
                        CUC International Inc.

               Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note A- Description of Plan (continued)

Investment Options (continued)

 CUC   Stock  Fund-  Funds  are  invested  in  Common  Stock,  which  is  traded
 on the New York Stock Exchange.

Participants may change their investment options quarterly.

Payment of Benefits

Upon   termination  of  employment,  a  participant  shall  receive  a  lump-sum
amount equal to the vested value of his or her account.

Note B- Summary of Accounting Policies

Basis of Accounting

The   accounting   records   of  the  Plan  are  maintained   on   the   accrual

Investment Valuation and Income Recognition

The   PlanOs   investments,  except  for  the  guaranteed  insurance   contracts
(entered   into   before  December  15,  1993),  are  stated  at   fair   value.
Securities  traded  on  a  national  securities  exchange  are  valued  at   the
last  reported  sales  price  on  the  last  business  day  of  the  plan  year.
Investments   traded  on  the  over-the-counter  market  for   which   no   sale
was   reported   on  that  date  are  valued  at  the  average   of   the   last
reported   bid   and  ask  prices.  The  guaranteed  insurance   contracts   are
valued   at   contract   value   as  estimated  by  the   insurance   companies.
Contract   value   represents  contributions  made  under  the  contract,   plus
interest   at   the   contract  rate,  less  funds  used   to   pay   retirement
benefits    and   to   pay   for   the   insurance   companiesO   administrative
expenses.   These  contracts  are  subject  to  interest  penalties  for   early
withdrawal or termination from 1-5% of the contract value.

Effective   June   30,   1995,  the  Company  approved  a  three-for-two   stock
split,   in  the  nature  of  a  stock  dividend  payable  to  stockholders   of
record   on  June  19,  1995.  Accordingly,  all  Common  Stock  share   amounts
have been adjusted to reflect the stock split.

Purchases  and  sales  of  securities  are  recorded  on  a  trade-date   basis.
Dividends are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

The  change  in  the  difference  between  the  fair  value  and  the  cost   of
investments   is   reflected  as  net  unrealized  appreciation   (depreciation)
in    fair    value    of    investments.   The   net   realized    appreciation
(depreciation)   on   investments  is  the  difference  between   the   proceeds
received,  after  fees  and  expenses,  and  the  average  cost  of  investments

Administrative Expenses

All  administrative expenses incurred in connection with the operation
of the Plan are paid by the Company.

                       Savings Incentive Plan of
                        CUC International Inc.

               Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note C- Investments

The fair value of individual investments that represent 5% or more  of
the Plan's net assets are as follows:

                                                     December 31
                                                  1995         1994
Fleet Investment Services                                              
 Short-term Income Fund                                              
 1995 D 6,408,587 units;                                             
 1994 D 4,397,584 units                      $ 6,408,587             
                                                         $  4,397,584
CUC International Inc.                        
 Common Stock,                                                   
 1995 D 867,559 shares;                        29,604,768             
 1994 D 1,000,683 shares                                   22,181,807

The Plan's investments are held in safekeeping by Fleet Bank.

Note D- Plan Termination

Although it has not expressed any intent to do so, the Company has the
right under the Plan to discontinue its contributions at any time  and
to terminate the Plan subject to the provisions of ERISA. In the event
of  Plan  termination, participants will become fully vested and  will
receive  lump-sum distributions in an amount equal  to  the  value  of
their accounts.

Note E- Differences Between Financial Statements and Form 5500

The following is a reconciliation of net assets available for benefits
per the financial statements to the Form 5500:

                                                 December 31
                                              1995           1994
Net assets available for benefits per                                
 the financial statements                   $82,860,450   $61,335,277
Amounts allocated to withdrawn                                      
 participants                                (3,142,546)     (374,649)
Net assets available for benefits per                                
 the Form 5500                              $79,717,904   $60,960,628

                       Savings Incentive Plan of
                        CUC International Inc.

               Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note  E-  Differences  Between  Financial  Statements  and  Form  5500

The following is a reconciliation of benefits paid to participants per
the financial statements to the Form 5500:

                                            Year ended December 31
                                                1995           1994
Benefits paid to participants per the                                
 financial statements                        $10,342,099   $5,701,428
Add: Amounts allocated on Form 5500 to                               
 withdrawn participants at December 31,                              
 1995 and 1994                                 3,142,546      374,649
Less: Amounts allocated on Form 5500 to                              
 withdrawn participants at December 31,                              
 1994 and 1993                                  (374,649)    (212,706)
Benefits paid to participants per the                                
 Form 5500                                   $13,109,996   $5,863,371

Note F- Tax Status

The  Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the Plan qualifies  under
Section  401(a)  of the Internal Revenue Code ("IRC") and,  therefore,
the  related trust is not subject to tax under present income tax law.
Once qualified, the Plan is required to operate in conformity with the
IRC  to  maintain its qualification. The Plan sponsor is not aware  of
any course of action or series of events that have occurred that might
adversely affect the PlanOs qualified status.

                       Savings Incentive Plan of
                        CUC International Inc.

                  Assets Held for Investment Purposes

                           December 31, 1995

                           Description of                        
                            Investment Including                 
Identity of Issue, Borrower     Maturity Date,                       
     or Similar Party      Rate of Interest, Par               Fair
                           or Maturity Value          Cost    Value
Bonds and Corporate Notes                                     
Bank New York Inc.          $100,000 principal                
                              6.50%;due December             
                            1, 2003                $100,291 $101,853
Bank America Corp.          $200,000 principal                
                              7.20%;due September            
                            15, 2002                200,500  210,802
Bank America Corp.          $150,000 principal                
                              7.125%;due May 12,             
                            2005                    159,570  157,344
Bankers Trust NY Corp.      $100,000 principal                
                              7.50%;due January              
                            15, 2002                99,640   105,707
Bankers Trust NY Corp.      $240,000 principal                
                              9.00%;due August 1,            
                            2001                    240,900  269,218
Bankers Trust NY Corp.      $400,000 principal                
                              7.25%;due November             
                            1, 1996                 405,432  404,940
Bear Stearns Co.            $200,000 principal                
                              6.50%;due June 15,             
                            2000                    204,442  204,070
Bear Stearns Co.            $200,000 principal                
                              6.70%;due August 1,            
                            2003                    201,460  204,624
Chemical Banking Corp.      $250,000 principal                
                              8.50%;due February             
                            15, 2002                250,937  280,680
Citicorp                    $250,000 principal                
                              6.75%;due August 15,           
                            2005                    228,228  253,067
Citicorp                    $100,000 principal                
                              7.125%;due June 1,             
                            2003                    106,021  105,151
Citicorp Shelf 83           $300,000 principal                
                              7.125%;due March 15,           
                            2004                    288,363  317,343
Chrylser Financial Corp.    $300,000 principal                
                              6.00%;due April 15,            
                            1996                    306,990  300,084
Dean Witter Discover        $200,000 principal                
                              5.00%;due April 1,             
                            1996                    201,502  199,758
Dean Witter Discover        $300,000 principal                
                              6.25%;due March 15,            
                            2000                    301,257  306,225
Ford Capital B V            $350,000 principal                
                              9.00%;due June 1,              
                            1996                    351,312  354,613
Ford Motor Credit Co.       $300,000 principal                
                              6.25%;due February             
                            26, 1998                304,422  304,473
Hilton Hotels Corp.         $200,000 principal                
                              7.70%;due July                 
                            15, 2002                201,250  215,574

                       Savings Incentive Plan of
                        CUC International Inc.

            Assets Held for Investment Purposes (continued)

                           December 31, 1995

                           Description of                           
                            Maturity Date,                      
    Identity of Issuer,    Rate of Interest,                    
        Borrower                Par                          Fair
     or Similar Party      or Maturity Value      Cost       Value
Bonds and Corporate Notes (continued)                          
Merrill Lynch & Co.         $300,000 principal                       
                            November 1, 2002     $304,728   $335,826
Merrill Lynch & Co.         $100,000 principal                       
                              7.75%;due March                       
                            1, 1999               100,618    105,479
Merrill Lynch & Co.         $125,000 principal                       
                              9.00% due May                         
                            1, 1998               133,120    133,655
Morgan Stanley Group        $150,000 principal                       
                              8.33% due                             
                            January 15, 2007      150,562    171,856
Morgan Stanley Group        $100,000 principal                       
                            December 15, 1998     101,375    105,383
Morgan Stanley Group        $300,000 principal                       
                            October 15, 1996      315,465    304,980
Morgan Stanley              $100,000 principal                       
                              9.40%;due March                       
                            5, 1998               115,169    107,291
Motorola Inc.               $300,000 principal                       
                            January 1, 2007       293,508    335,034
NationsBank Corp.           $250,000 principal                       
                            August 15, 2003       255,740    254,107
Philip Morris Cos.          $200,000 principal                       
                            August 15,2002        209,478    207,377
Wal Mart Stores Inc         $300,000 principal                       
                            March 1, 2003         274,953    305,523
Wells Fargo & Co.           $300,000 principal                       
                            November 1, 2003      292,872    298,713
Wells Fargo & Co.           $100,000 principal                       
                              8.750%;due May                        
                            1, 2002               106,863    113,670
Wells Fargo & Co.           $240,000 principal                       
                            November 1, 1996      240,000    244,939
Wells Fargo                 $100,000 principal                       
                              8.10%;due July                        
                            22, 1996               99,899    101,257
Total                                          $7,146,867 $7,420,616

                       Savings Incentive Plan of
                        CUC International Inc.

            Assets Held for Investment Purposes (continued)

                           December 31, 1995

                             Description of                      
                             Maturity Date,                      
    Identity of Issue,      Rate of Interest,                    
         Borrower                  Par                         Fair
     or Similar Party       or Maturity Value     Cost        Value
Common Stock                                  
Abitibi Price Inc.          27,000 shares        $ 462,036  $ 391,500
Airtouch     Communications                                          
Inc.                        15,000 shares          404,191    421,875
American International                                          
   Group Inc.                4,780 shares          164,855    442,150
Argosy Gaming Corp.         14,000 shares          355,742    106,750
Au Bon Pain Inc. Class A    15,000 shares          244,437    123,750
Australis Media Ltd. Com   335,000 shares          198,536    279,631
Authentic Fitness Corp.     14,000 shares          170,650    290,500
Bankers Trust NY Corp. Com.  5,000 shares          232,405    332,500
BHC Financial Inc.          10,000 shares          167,250    180,000
Capital One Financial Corp. 22,000 shares          368,367    525,250
Cheesecake Factory Inc.     22,000 shares          406,450    473,000
Cidco Inc. Com.              5,200 shares          127,595    132,600
Circus  Circus  Enterprises                                          
   Inc.                     11,300 shares          271,066    314,988
Citicorp Com.               10,000 shares          448,909    672,500
CKE Restaurants Inc. Com    25,000 shares          261,875    400,000
Comcast Corp. CL A Special  18,000 shares          284,621    327,384
Coventry Corp.              24,000 shares          457,573    495,000
CUC International Inc.*    867,539 shares       16,576,961 29,604,768
Finova Group Inc. Com        9,000 shares          274,341    434,250
First USA Inc.              10,000 shares          348,945    443,750
Foundation Health Corp.     12,000 shares          429,825    519,000
Franklin Quest Co. Com      10,000 shares          240,809    195,000
General Nutrition Cos Inc.  30,000 shares          317,783    690,000
General Re. Corp.            2,000 shares          165,535    310,000
Gtech Holdings Corp.        24,000 shares          579,807    624,000
Harrah's Entertainment Inc.                                          
   Com                      25,000 shares          181,020    606,250
Humana Inc.                 12,000 shares          237,849    328,500
IHOP Corp. New Com.         22,000 shares          519,167    572,000
Industrie Natuzzi SPA       11,000 shares          182,632    499,125
Intel Corp. Com.             8,400 shares          255,692    476,700
I-Stat Corp.                 6,500 shares          203,775    211,250
KLA Instructors Corp.        8,000 shares          252,300    208,504
Jones Apparel Group Inc.     8,000 shares          202,226    315,000
Life Partners Group Inc.    24,100 shares          430,273    328,363
Luxottica Group SPA                                          
   Sponsored ADR            13,000 shares          372,672    760,500
Mannesmann A.G.              1,650 shares          465,063    526,492
MBNA Corp. Com              10,000 shares          224,250    368,750
Micron Technology Inc.      14,000 shares          278,600    554,750

*    Indicates party-in-interest to the Plan

                       Savings Incentive Plan of
                        CUC International Inc.

            Assets Held for Investment Purposes (continued)

                           December 31, 1995

                             Description of                      
                           Including Maturity                    
    Identity of Issue,      Rate of Interest,                    
         Borrower                  Par                         Fair
     or Similar Party       or Maturity Value      Cost       Value
Common Stocks (continued)                                            
Morgan Stanley Group Inc.    6,000 shares       $ 257,121   $ 483,750
Motorola Inc. Com.           8,000 shares         389,272     456,000
Nine West Group             11,000 shares         292,100     412,500
Nu-Kote Holding Inc.        29,600 shares         268,889     503,200
Philip Morris Cos. Inc.      7,500 shares         449,204     676,875
Players International Inc.  25,200 shares         314,450     269,338
Promus Hotel Corp. Com.     10,500 shares          35,614     233,625
Railtex Inc. Com            10,000 shares         209,500     210,000
Revco D.S. Inc.             15,000 shares         306,192     423,750
SAP Ord.                     4,500 shares         309,829     717,234
Schuler Homes Inc.          26,000 shares         379,986     203,137
Showboat Inc.               18,000 shares         304,827     474,750
Signet Banking Corp.        12,000 shares         225,131     285,000
Sonic Corp.                 16,500 shares         244,497     313,500
Sports & Recreation Inc.    21,000 shares         339,146     149,625
Staples Inc.                 9,000 shares         108,838     219,375
Supercuts Inc.              30,000 shares         370,598     240,000
Teva Pharmaceutical                                          
   Industries Adr.           7,700 shares         211,558     357,088
Texas Instruments Com.      10,000 shares         411,725     515,000
Timberland Co.               9,000 shares         289,908     178,875
Time Warner Inc.             5,000 shares         177,219     189,375
Transatlantic Holding Inc.   6,000 shares         212,621     440,250
United Healthcare Corp.     15,000 shares         658,797     980,625
US Healthcare Incom         12,000 shares         479,205     558,000
Viking Office Products Inc. 10,000 shares         119,481     465,000
Vodafone Group PlC                                          
   Sponsored Adr            12,000 shares         369,171     423,000
Wells Fargo & Co.            3,000 shares         195,772     648,000
Total                                         $35,396,734 $55,513,202

                       Savings Incentive Plan of
                        CUC International Inc.
            Assets Held for Investment Purposes (continued)
                           December 31, 1995

                           Description of                           
  Identity of Issue,     Including Maturity                         
       Borrower         Date, Rate of Interest,                 Fair
   or Similar Party     Par or Maturity Value      Cost        Value
United States Government                                               
and  Government  Agency  $900,000    principal                        
Securities         U.S.  amount,                                      
Treasury Notes               6.25%, due August                          
                         15, 2023              $779,503     $  925,029
                          $1,000,000  principal                          
                              7.625%,    due                          
                         November 15, 2022      979,772      1,207,970
                          $250,000    principal                        
                              7.50%,     due                        
                         November 15, 2016      244,606      293,125
                          $250,000    principal                        
                           7.25%, due August                        
                         15, 2004               249,841      278,008
                          $200,000    principal                        
                              8.50%,     due                        
                         November 15, 2000      206,775      226,250
                          $200,000    principal                        
                           8.75%;due  August                        
                         15, 2000               198,462      227,156
                          $300,000    principal                        
                            8.875%;due   May                        
                         15, 2000               299,916      340,500
                          $1,500,000  principal                        
                         November 30, 1996    1,492,541    1,525,545
                          $1,500,000  principal                        
                           6.25%;due  August                          
                         31,1996              1,503,340    1,508,670
                          $200,000    principal                        
                         February 15, 1996      199,267      200,594
U.S. Treasury Bills      $1,000,000                                 
                          principal amount,                         
                            due November 14,                        
                          1996                  951,800      951,800
                          principal amount,                         
                              due  July  25,                        
                          1996                  947,354      947,354
Government      National  $80,308   principal                        
Mortgage Association      amount,                                     
                          9.500%,  due  June                          
                          15, 2020               87,114       86,155
                          $58,384   principal                        
                          9.500%, due August                          
                          15, 2017               64,037       62,634
                                              8,249,328    8,780,790
Guaranteed    Investment                                             
   Nationwide             $1,357,036                                 
                          principal  amount,                        
                          6.10%     interest                          
                          rate,          due                          
                          September 9, 1999   1,357,036    1,357,036
   Southwest              $302,143  principal                        
                          4.50%     interest                        
                          rate,          due                        
                          September 21, 2012    302,142      302,142
                                              1,659,178    1,659,178
Short-term    Investment                                             
Fleet Investment Services                                            
Short-term Income Fund   $6,408,587                                   
                          principal amount    6,408,587    6,408,587
                                              6,408,587    6,408,587
Total Investments                           $58,860,694  $79,782,373

                       Savings Incentive Plan of
                        CUC International Inc.

                  Schedule of Reportable Transactions
                     Year ended December 31, 1995

                                  Purchase   Selling    Cost of    Net Gain
Identity of    Description of    Price (a)  Price (a)    Asset      (Loss)
   Party           Asset
Category  (iii)-A series of security transactions in excess  of  5%  of  the
current value of plan assets
Fleet         Short-term  Income                                   
Investment    Fund,                                    
Services      29,822,213 units   29,822,213            
              27,836,965 units              27,836,965 27,836,965
Neuberger and CUC International,                                   
Berman        Inc. Stock,                                         
              15,000 shares         485,177  
              111,595 shares                 3,762,581  2,010,513 1,752,068

There were no category (i), (ii) or (iv) reportable transactions during  the
year ended December 31, 1995.

(a)  Purchase and selling prices are equal to aggregate fair value  at
dates of acquisition and disposition, respectively.

                    Consent of Independent Auditors

We  consent  to  the  incorporation by reference in  the  Registration
Statement  (Form S-8 No. 33-80834) pertaining to the Savings Incentive
Plan  of CUC International Inc. of our report dated May 22, 1996, with
respect  to  the  financial statements and schedules  of  the  Savings
Incentive  Plan  of  CUC International Inc. included  in  this  Annual
Report (Form 11-K) for the year ended December 31, 1995.

                                        ERNST & YOUNG LLP

Stamford, CT
June 27, 1996